Troubled Children/Troubled Parents: The Way Out 2nd Edition
Published by Wyston Books, Inc.
Troubled Children/Troubled Parents: The Way Out 2nd Edition is available in the Apple iBook Store for the iPad and iPod.
Dr. Stanley Goldstein
IDENTIFIES: The nine signals for concern: indicators of distress in a child; and The periods of natural childhood stress when your child must be unhappy.
EXPLAINS: How to diagnose your child's symptoms of distress; How to survive those times of stress; and The key techniques for successful parent intervention.
DISCUSSES: The emotions naturally experienced by parents when their child is troubled; Those times when parents are not enough; and What kind of help to expect from a psychotherapist; and he
DESCRIBES: Some children who did not receive the kind of care they needed--until it was nearly too late.
This book is available in the E-book format ($6.95) and print format ($9.95).